CZC Team is glad to announce the launch of Phase 2 this exciting renewable energy innovation contest.
As you would know, Carbon Zero Challenge is a pioneering initiative by the Indian Institute of Technology Madras and Industrial Waste Management Association (IWMA), in collaboration with the US Consulate General Chennai, Polaris – A Virtusa Company, Shaastra 2018 and Energy Alternatives India (EAI), to identify innovative and indigenous solutions to India’s unique energy problems. The main objective of this initiative is to recognize and nurture original solutions and enable them to reach a stage of market scalability.
The challenge has invited students and early stage entrepreneurs from Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Puducherry and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, to isolate problems in five thematic areas and develop solutions to the same. The areas chosen are Agriculture, Urban Areas/Cities, Transportation, Industrial Processes and Water and Waste Management.
Over 530 teams had submitted a proof-of-concept solution in the form of a video or presentation along with a 2-page abstract, out of which 57 belonged to Agriculture, 149 to Industries, 73 to Transportation, 125 to Urban Areas/Cities and 126 to Water & Waste Management. During Phase 1, these applications were screened by a panel of experts from the renewable energy and clean technology fields and top 54 teams were selected to the next phase.
On July 19, Phase 2 of this competition will launched.
During Phase 2, the shortlisted 54 teams will pitch their project presentation to a panel of experts, which will be followed by a Q&A session. From this, top 25 teams will be shortlisted who will be receiving up to Rs. 5 lakhs each, in prototype funding. These teams will also be paired with mentors from India and the US, who will guide and motivate them in building a prototype of their idea over a period of 6 months and will also help them prepare a business model. The challenge will culminate in a ‘Demo Day’, which will see attendance by experts from industry and academia. The best solutions will receive prizes in cash and kind, and all the teams will be provided with opportunities to interact with investors and researchers to further develop their ideas.
We invite you all to be a part of this launch event as the competition is embarking on an important milestone.
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