Carbon Zero Challenge (CZC) 2017-18, a South India Renewable Energy Innovation Competition for Colleges and Early Stage Start-ups is fast gearing up towards the Grand Finale and teams are working hard in this final phase of prototype building.
While the Demo Day is scheduled from 7-9 Feb, 2018, CZC will be also a part of IIT Madras’ annual technical festival – Shaastra 2018. Shaastra is the largest technical fest of its kind in India, and has the distinction of being the first ISO 9001:2008 certified student-organized event in the world. Shaastra, serving a footfall of over 40,000, consists of a plethora of events: workshops, professional shows, exhibitions, lectures, demonstrations and the Summit.
CZeroC team is proud to be a part of Shaastra 2018.
There will be a designated stall space for CZC at the Shaastra venue and some of the finalist teams’ prototypes and posters will be demonstrated at the stall. A short video of CZC and its teams will be played.
This could be a golden opportunity for interested eligible participants to register for the next season of Carbon Zero Challenge – CZeroC 2018-19!
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