

Carbon Zero Challenge 2017-18 Award Winners

By | 2018-02-16T10:31:45+00:00 February 15th, 2018|Uncategorized|

Hi all, The CZeroC team is extremely glad to share everyone that the grand finale of Carbon Zero Challenge 2017-18 took place in a grand manner on Feb 9, 2018 at IC&SR Auditorium, IIT Madras.  Honourable dignitaries present at the event were Shri Bhaskar Ramamurthi, Director - IIT Madras Shri Vikram Kapur, IAS, TN Energy [...]

The Challenge of Carbon Zero Challenge!

By | 2018-02-05T18:20:07+00:00 July 20th, 2017|Uncategorized|

If you thought designing and implementing a contest for college students was a no-brainer, think again. Especially if it happens to be in an emerging domain such as clean technology, and especially when you are dealing thousands of bright students! It would thus be interesting for you to read the chronicle of the Carbon Zero [...]

Carbon Zero Challenge – Launch of Phase II

By | 2017-07-15T10:26:07+00:00 July 15th, 2017|Uncategorized|

CZC Team is glad to announce the launch of Phase 2 this exciting renewable energy innovation contest.As you would know, Carbon Zero Challenge is a pioneering initiative by the Indian Institute of Technology Madras and Industrial Waste Management Association (IWMA), in collaboration with the US Consulate General Chennai, Polaris - A Virtusa Company, Shaastra 2018 [...]

Welcome to the Carbon Zero Challenge Blog

By | 2017-03-21T09:39:20+00:00 March 21st, 2017|Uncategorized|

Hello there. It's a pleasure to welcome you all to the blog of Carbon Zero Challenge, the Renewable Energy Innovation Contest jointly organized by IIT Madras, the US Consulate & IWMA. We will constantly update you on the latest happenings of this exciting event in this corner. So, stay tuned.