Project Highlights
Vent Tech I5, a students’ team from Loyola ICAM College of Engg & Technology, Chennai did the project in Industries sector.
In current AC systems, where fresh air is required, e.g. Basements and cold storage facilities, the fresh air dilution process is constant. The constant fresh air is a waste and we have to identify ration required for human comfort.
Who is Behind this Project?
The team is led by Mr. Abhishek Mathew and the team members are
- Abhishek Mathew
- Jeshua Varun
- Febin M Thomas
- Praveen Nirmal Amaladoss
What is the Project all about?
- Data acquisition for controlling dilution ratio of fresh air and recirculated air – Demand control ventilation (DCV) energy efficiency and human comfort.
- Interaction of multiple ACs and sensing of human occupancy to control the cooling – smart grid and machine learning
What is the Uniqueness of the Solution?
Integration of data acquisition techniques – monitor and learn from the area where our ACs will be installed for the purpose of
- Energy efficiency – optimizing performance
- Personalization effects – recording sensor inputs and human preferences : Leads to enhanced benchmarks of comfort levels
What is the Potential Market?
- Market strategies include
- Trademark the technology – ensure visibility in the market
- License to major HVAC companies
- Develop our own energy – efficient ACs line – up and start a company
- Customers – monitor and control their ACs – based on their personal preferences
- Unitary or centralized AC – efficient than conventional ACs – individually and as a system using smart grid
- Immediate Target
- Basements and Storage Facilities where Fresh Air Systems exist
- Other Targets will be in Three Phases namely –
- Commercial and Industrial AC Applications where Fresh Air Systems exist
- Packaged ACs and Sky ACs
- Room ACs – Single, Independent Units
Contact Details:
Jeshua Varun – 9941487840
Febin M Thomas – 8056465429
Praveen Nirmal Amaladoss – 8056186887
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