Project Highlights
BlueWave A1, a startup from Bangalore is working in agriculture sector.
In agriculture, cold storage for energy deprived fishing community is a challenge. The solution for this should be both cheap and also practically viable with existing resources.
Hence the team has come up with an idea named “Aquahorse”.
Who is Behind Aquahorse?
The team is being lead by Mr. Abdul Thameem and the team members are
- Abdul Thameem
- Veera Vishodhana
- Syed Feroz
- Karthik Ramados
What is Aquahorse?
Aqua horse is a portable onshore device to convert ocean energy into usable clean energy for fishing community and commercial establishments along the seashores. It is primarily designed to run cold storage on clean energy extracted from ocean energy.
- Generates 1 kW energy by riding on the waves and stores it as ice cubes
- Positioned at 15 ft depth and 50 ft from shore line
What is the Uniqueness of this Solution?
- Stores clean ocean energy in the most usable form for fishing community and commercial establishment along the shore
- Connects retailers/customers with fish farmer
What is the Potential Market?
- Fishery development board of India
- Minor port
- Municipalities/Panchayats of fishing village
- Existing cold storage establishments
- Sea side resorts
- NGO/social entrepreneur along sea shore
TAM – (3800 fishing villages with average 60 fish farmer) – Approx.30000 units
SAM – (Pondy and Tamil Nadu shore lines) – 300 units
SOM – (30% of SAM in a year) – 1 unit a day
Contact Details:
Veera Vishodhana – 7871338284
Abdul Thameem –
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