Wave Abater by Team Grawy I6 – Startup from Karnataka

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Wave Abater by Team Grawy I6 – Startup from Karnataka

Project Highlights

Grawy I6, a startup from Karnataka did the project in Industries sector.

Clean Energy is not sufficient in the world. Ever increasing CO 2 emissions are causing major damage to the environment. Wave Energy is extremely underutilized. Hence it was intended to build a machine that harnesses wave energy without harming the ocean ecosystem. This machine should have a simpler design leading to lesser manufacturing, and maintenance cost.

Who is Behind this Project?

The team is led by Mr. Ehtesham Farooqui and the team members are

  • Abhishek Mishra
  • Ehtesham Farooqui
  • Saurabh Kumar

What is the Project all about?

The project is about harnessing wave energy without harming the ocean ecosystem. Unlike usual Wave Energy Converters (WEC) that has complex and costly design with inconsistent power output, this project aims to develop a machine that is modular with simple design for easy implementation.

The proposed device will produce a consistent – continuous electric current out of inconsistent incoming sea waves.

What is the Uniqueness of the Solution?

The main feature of the device is that it can produce a consistent-continuous electric current out of inconsistent incoming sea waves.

  • Simple design & no sliding parts, so low wear & better reliability.
  • Almost nil dedicated parts production, so lower manufacturing cost.
  • Easy to deploy module as standalone or array with minimum ecological impacts.
  • Low cost energy storage buffer is implemented.

What is the Potential Market?

  • Our final product will be a machine that efficiently harness wave energy and convert it into electricity
  • Market: India alone has planned to generate 175 GW power using renewable energy (Current installed capacity is 100 GW)
  • The potential of Wave power in India is 41 GW.
  • We plan to get into one of the 10 projects that Govt. of India will be evaluating for harnessing wave/tidal energy by 2020

Contact Details:

Abhishek Mishra – 7259206677
Saurabh Kumar – 9632319385


Interested to Know more about this team? Send a note to info@czeroc.com

By | 2018-01-05T17:37:59+00:00 December 15th, 2017|Finalists|0 Comments

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